Friday, February 27, 2015

Nonfiction Check In

Nathan and I are considering a double-sided topic about myth and fairy tales, covering the two sides of myth.  There's the side that covers the supernatural and extraterrestrial, and then there's fairy tales.  Some questions we were considering are, first, to answer 'what is "myth"?', and 'why do people believe in myths when experts and peers say otherwise?'

We are fairly sure that we are going to do a documentary on our project, with some interviews from our experts taped (if possible).  We were thinking of starting out trying to answer the question of what is myth, then moving into our research.  We aren't EXACTLY sure about what our final question(s) will be.

When I first had the idea, I thought that I would get a lot of people saying that they didn't believe in myths and that those who did believe in myths or "fairy tales" would believe because they want to believe in those things.  I thought that I would get a lot of varying definitions of myth and lots of feedback.

Nathan and I have checked out those online sources that you showed us, but we don't know where to look on those and so far have only gotten one source from those.  We've found a lot of online stuff about fairy tales and supernatural stuff, but we haven't really looked in print.  We're going to set up a call with someone in the mythology department at Harvard, and also at the U of MN and St. Cloud State University.

We've already sent out a survey of people in our class, and we would like to have email addresses so that we can send a survey to kids at the high school and teachers.  We would like a wide range of ages and grades.

As I mentioned before, we are going to try and talk with someone at Harvard, as well as the before-mentioned colleges.    We would like to find more experts in this topic.  We've had a lot of varied responses collected from our survey, from people on both sides: those who believe in myths and those who don't.  A lot of people who believe in "fairy tales" and such say that we haven't completely explored the universe and those mythical things could exist.  They believe because they want to believe.

We're having trouble narrowing down our topic to a question or two we really want to answer and need some help.  Any of the information we have collected would help any question we want to ask in the "myth" area.

We're going to start planning out how to fit it all together into one big cohesive project that can be turned into a script for our documentary.  We also need to narrow down our topic and call the people at Harvard and the U of MN.  We need to find more experts and we're going to survey more people.

That's our nonfiction project currently!


Lots of our sources are PDFs - I didn't want to embed them.  They're all in our nonfiction folder.

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